
When it comes to playing roulette online, many players will make use of betting strategies and systems. At online casinos that welcome New Zealand players, there are multiple game variations that can be enjoyed. You may find that using a betting strategy can improve your chances of winning.

There are a number of progressive betting systems that are used by experienced roulette players. The Fibonacci system is one of the safest in comparison to other options like the Martingale system. When using Fibonacci, you have the chance to enjoy some big wins and the increase of the bet amount will not be as large as with other systems.

Even though this system is less aggressive than others, it can still bring about some major payouts. Below, we discuss how to use this betting technique and also inform you of the benefits and drawbacks when playing real money roulette online.

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How the Fibonacci System Works

To make use of this betting system, you have to understand the Fibonacci sequence. This is what will be used as you place your bets at the roulette tables. The sequence is 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144-233-377-610. When you are betting, you do not always have to start at 1. As long as you add the previous two numbers together, you will be making use of this unique betting system.

One thing to mention is that the Fibonacci system is designed for even betting, so you will want to use this when wagering on Red/Black, 1-18/19-36, or Odd/Even. You will begin by betting one unit. If this loses, you will carry on with the sequence until you enjoy a win. As the sequence progresses, you will be betting more, so you need to have a decent-sized bankroll to make use of this betting technique.

As you are betting, you may think there is no way you will benefit. However, this is where the system gets interesting. Let’s say you have followed the sequence and have lost until your bet of 34. Here, you will collect your payouts and move back two spots in the sequence, so your next wager would be 13. This will progress until you win again.

With this system, you can lose 8 bets in a row and have that highest wager be just 21 units. If you were using a different system like the Martingale, the same number of losses would have resulted in a 256 unit bet, obviously leading to much larger losses.

Things to Consider

When you first start to use the sequence, you will notice there are two 1 unit bets. If you are moving backward in the sequence after a win and you get to the second number 1, you will move back to the very first number and start from there. Failure to do this will result in breaking even and you will lose out on larger profits.

Another thing to consider is that it can take many roulette games to get back to the start of the sequence. You will have to be a patient player and make sure your bankroll supports this type of progressive betting.

This system is not for all players and new roulette players should actually avoid this system completely. If you do choose to make use of Fibonacci, you must adhere to the sequence at all times.

Another key point to make note of is that the house edge will never change when you make use of this betting system. You must also make note of the maximum bet amount at the selected table as you cannot use the system if you meet the maximum bet amount and still have not won.

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